The Pair Family (Japan Branch)

Friday, December 08, 2006

let it snow let it snow let it snow

Well today it is snowing. It just started about a half hour ago so hopefully it won't be a lot. It has been getting colder and colder here and two days ago we had a really strong wind storm. I thought our windows were going to break. Since Dec. 1st all the schools have their heaters going. At one of my schools the heater is next to my metal desk which makes my desk itself hot but that is better than being cold I guess. The teachers already told me not to put any chocolate in my desk since it would melt. Two of my school use blower heaters but my small school still used stoves since it is so old. Either way I am just happy to have heat in the schools.

Last night we ate pizza since it was the start of Pizza Huts half price pizza sale. Every month 8th, 9th, and 10th Pizza Hut has a sale of six of their pizzas. So instead of paying over $20 for a medium pizza i only pay $10. Considering this is Japan that is not a bad deal. Only bad thing is they don't have Hawaiian and the only Pizza Hut is about a 30min drive from my place.

Noah is doing well and is really happy now.

I'll write more later.


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