The Pair Family (Japan Branch)

Saturday, September 01, 2007


After years of living in the country (and I mean country) a bit of home finally came to my neck of the woods. Now a simple 15min drive and I can have some Starbucks. They opened up a Starbucks kiosk inside the medical college with is close to me. The kiosk is actually in the hospital wing but it is a real Starbucks. In a side story that is somewhat related recently we had to take Noah to the hospital late one night due to him puting a plastic bead in his ear. Well that went smoothly and it was removed but since it was late I would have to come back the next day to pay (only $20 buck and I can get reembursed if I take the receit to the City Hall, wow the wonders of national health care). Well the next day after work I went and paid then treated myself to a Carmel Frapachino (i have no idea how to spell it). I don't know how much they cost in the states but here it cost 440 yen for a tall. the funny thing was that the kiosk is small but still had 8 people and a manager working there. here is a pic of the place.


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