The Pair Family (Japan Branch)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Poor Noah

Well yesterday I got a call from Noah's daycare right as I had gotten home for lunch telling me that Noah had an accident and probably should go to the hospital to make sure he is ok. So needless to say I rushed over there and sure enough he was crying a lot and his right arm looks a little funny. He was holding it and it looked as though he couldn't move it very well. The teachers explain briefly what had happened but I couldn't understand well what they were saying. I later had a guy at the BOE call and then explain to me in English what they were saying. They said Noah was walking and happened to fall down outside by the slide. So I had to tell the BOE and the school I was teaching at that I would have to take Noah to the Hospital to get him checked out. To make a long story short Noah apparently dislocated his elbow but on the way to the hospital it had fixed itself. By the time Naoko's mom, Noah and I got to a hospital which was kinda far away Noah seemed fine and was having no problems with his arm. The nurse and doctor confirmed that his elbow had been dislocated but it looked fine now.

So my question is how can Noah fall down of his own accord and dislocate his elbow. My thinking is that the teachers at his daycare are not watching him closely and really have to idea what happened. I am skeptical of their version of what happened. So I am going to go in and talk about the incident with my contact at the BOE. Luckily Noah is doing fine and wasn't seriously hurt.

I just wanted to let you know about Noah. That is all for now.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

spring is just about here

sorry i haven't posted for over a month. as you can imagine things have been busy. The new school year started and today I had my first class with my new 1st graders at my small school (Aoki Elementary). I have to remember that they are just starting and I need to go slow with them.

It is late and I am going to bed soon so I will have to write more later. I did want to let you all know that I have offically been ingrained (I am not sure what word to use) into the community here as I have a representative from Block 4 at Noah's daycare. It is kinda like a PTA thing where I will be helping out and voting on issues. Recently we had our first meeting and it got a little tense when we were all trying to decide where to go for our field trip. After some squabiling we finally (i'm talking 2 hours on this issue) decided to go to this zoo that is a technically the closest to us but still far (over an hour drive from here). It was an interesting meeting eventhough i though it lasted way too long.

Also recently I went to a fellow English Teacher's wedding which was nice.

I'll write more later. I am off to bed. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz