The Pair Family (Japan Branch)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

on the positive side

i can't thank my parents enough for always sending me care packages. they are always just what the doctor ordered. I love combos and the incredible cross-section starwars book is cool.

Also recently i have been running every other day (weather permitting) and can 100% recommend the Nike+ system. I use my iPod nano with the sensor attachment that communicates with the sensor in my running shoe to measure my distants, time and other things. Recently I got a Nike+ shirt that has a specially designed pocket for the iPod nano. So now I don't have to carry the nano and can focus on my running. Shawn and I will be entering a race this Nov. so I need to get my time down from 5 mins/1 Km to as close to 3 mins/ 1Km as possible by then. wish me luck.

another day older

well yesterday was my birthday and it was an entirely uneventful day. it was rainy, naoko had to work overtime and she was in a bad mood. but despite that she still cooked a lovely dinner (the birthday dinner as I have come to name it since she cooks the same thing for both noah and I on our birthdays. Every year the same, hamburger steak with cheese inside, brown gravy, fried shrimp, potatoes, and cooked carrots.). She was tired so noah and her went to bed early and i stayed up and cleaned up the living room. Also since i hadn't done it in a while I read the Bible (read about Ester) and then went to bed.

Right now in Japan it is the rainy season and that is helping me to feel bummed out. I am just waiting for summer vacation to start but i don't know why. Lately my job isn't giving me satifaction eventhough the kids are great. I think I am just in a downer mood or a rut and need something to get me out of it.

Noah is full blown into his terrible twos. the words that come most out of his mouth right now are chigau, iranai, dame, iyada. all these words can be translated into no, i don't want too, don't and nu uh. He is becoming really selffish too as everything he sees is his and he isn't sharing. I know this kinda stuff is normal for his age which makes me want to know how i should go about molding him and directing him into the kind of boy I want him to be. I am also a little worried that he still isn't speaking clearly or in long sentences. His vocabulary seem limited also. And he still can't dress himself. Let alone go to the bathroom yet.

Needless to say many thing are weighting on me right now. but I know I will snap out of it sooner or later.

rambling over.